Ever wondered why we are here, what we are here to do and what this whole living on earth bizo means?
I started to really question this after having my first born. I didn’t cope with being a mother too well and it was the final ‘tick the box’ on my lifelong dreams list and yet, I felt no happier, no more fulfilled and life was still ground hog day.
I really struggled to understand what the heck life was all about when my family’s mantra was ‘Life’s shit, then you die’ so make the most of it.
That made no sense to me.
It wasn’t until I learnt that we are a soul having a human experience and how we live multiple lives, each one allowing us to heal more layers of Self, that I finally connected the dots. I finally understood what our soul journey was all about.
It was understanding that we don’t die, we are eternal, and that this lifetime is being perfectly orchestrated to bring forth the lessons that are important for us to learn.
For me, it took the bleakness out of life and made it more of a game. One that I get to choose how I play.
Also, to know that those who may have already passed live on, gave me the peace of mind to know that they are always with us. We can communicate with them still.
So, if you are questioning what life is all about, reach out, lets chat. When you can understand what’s truly at play here, it frees you up to stop living by obligation and rules set by others that you no longer relate to. It gives you the freedom to live a life you love because you no longer feel restrained by having to get it right all the time.
That’s where the true freedom is!